


Hello, I am Ryan!

Writer. Editor. Storyteller.

Get to know me

Career Path.


Culture Editor

Def​ Pen Media


Content Supervisor

MATTIO Communications


Assistant Editor


A Brooklyn-based lifestyle brand that has allowed ​me to explore my passion for covering pop culture, ​politics and sports.

A multi-dimmensional public relations agency ​dedicated to amplifying the distinctive visions and ​voices of leading companies.

A global leader in audio and communications that ​offered me the opportunity to develop my news ​writing skills, interview industry leaders and cover ​live events.


Desk Assistant​

ABC News

A global news leader that provided me with the ​opportunity field produce, pitch stories, monitor ​the teleprompter for nationally televised programs ​and learn from experienced broadcast journalists.


News Editor

Blavit​y, Inc.

A premier digital enterprise for Black millennials ​that improved my editing skills, heightened my ​ability to manage other writers and allowed me to ​work alongside other talented storytellers.


C​ommunications Assi​stant

McCann Worldgroup

A leading global marketing services company that ​encouraged me to pursue my journalistic ​endeavors while expanding my skillset to include ​copywriting and script writing.


Black American anxiety at all-time high, ​experts say


While violent police encounters involving Black ​people dominate headlines, the news is having a ​detrimental impact on the mental well-being of ​Black Americans, some experts say.

Rapsody Opens About Her Family, ​Maintaining A Work-Life Balance And More


In the second segment of our interview with her, she ​discusses her grandparents, maintaining a balance ​within her work and personal life and much more.

Representation for Black and Brown ​Iowans, One Newspaper At A Time


Iowa is not all presidential campaign pit stops and ​long, winding farmland in the way that popular ​depictions of the state would have many believe.

A Star Basketball Recruit Picked Howard ​University. Will He Inspire Other Players ​To Choose D.C. HBCUs, Too?


On July 3, highly touted basketball prospect Makur ​Maker became the first five-star basketball recruit ​to commit to a historically black college or ​university since at least 2007, revealing that he ​would attend Howard University this fall.

BIN Exclusive: Dr. Lonnie Bunch III Talks ​Black History, NMAAHC & More


Symone Sanders Talks About Her New Show, ​Being Authentic & Her First Conversation ​With Bernie Sanders


To get a better handle on what this museum means ​to me and so many others, Smithsonian Secretary ​Dr. Lonnie Bunch III shared a few thoughts with the ​Black Information Network.

Emerging from the home of former United States ​Army Corps Engineer Daniel Sanders and former ​Great Plains Black History Museum Executive ​Director Terri Sanders, Symone is a bold, authentic ​innovator who has never shied away from a ​challenge


My educational journey has equipped me ​with a deep understanding of the ​nuances of storytelling, from writing in-​depth profiles and enterprise stories to ​conducting compelling interviews with ​public officials and pop culture figures. ​My commitment to mastering the art of ​storytelling is evident in my academic ​accomplishments.

High School Diploma

Choate Rosemary Hall

Wallingford, Connecticut | 2010-2014

Honors: Princeton Prize In Race Relations Recipient, Disney Dreamers ​Academy Class of 2013

Bachelor of Arts in American Studies

American University

Washington, D.C. | 2014-2018

Honors: Emma L. Bowen Foundation Fellow, Jackie Robinson Foundation ​Scholar

Master of Arts in Journalism

New York University

New York, NY | Expected Graduation In 2024